The KW Collective - Head for Home Team

Below, you’ll find General Staging Recommendations – expert advice to elevate your home’s presentation and appeal. This information is courtesy of our Preferred Vendor, Maxwell & Edison Interiors.

  • Hire professional cleaning service to complete deep, thorough cleaning of the entire home, including baseboards, molding, light fixtures, etc.
  • Consider having carpets professionally cleaned. Remove any area rugs that are stained or damaged.
  • Touch up any paint on interior and exterior that is chipped, mismatched, or shows signs of wear-and-tear.
  • Pare down knick-knacks and personal photographs. Store keepsakes and items of personal value or significance.
  • Remove all visible medications, toiletries, etc. from countertops. Store out of sight.
  • Keep closets neat and tidy - buyers will likely look inside! If possible, fill the closet to no more than half its capacity to make storage areas appear as spacious as possible.
  • Remove any seasonal or holiday decor to avoid “time stamping” your photos.
  • Consider adding a non-seasonal wreath and/or doormat for a welcoming first impression!
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Curtis J. Hertwig

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